Weekend Watches September 20 2024

Weekend Watches is a pick of mostly longer-form videos to settle in with. This week it's the history of the 911 GT3 RS, the Ford F150 Lightning in Australia, the new Ineos Grenadier Quartermaster, a Holden Piazza barn find (in America...!) and every MX-5 rated.
James Pumphrey's new channel, Speeed, has just three videos but millions of views, so he's certainly very popular after his departure from Donut. This week he's detailing the history of the Porsche 911 GT3 RS. Strap in, it's almost an hour of his distinctive style.
CarExpert's Paul Maric puts the electric Ford F150 Lightning through its paces. As ever, it's very detailed and that's why it belongs here in the Weekend Watches.
A common complaint/question about electric cars and lifestyley truck things is whether they can tow. They've certainly got the torque, but range is a big issue. See what Paul found here.
Harry's Farm tests the new Ineo Grenadier Quartermaster (I do love the names of the Ineos cars).
This BMW-powered Defender homage has a tray and reminds me a lot of the Jeep Gladiator as well as its original inspiration. Harry Metcalfe wasn't a massive fan at first, so it's interesting to see what he thinks of the car a year down the track.
Donut's Justin Freeman has a Holden Piazza but for some reason calls it an Isuzu Impulse (yes, I know why, I'm joking).
The car is a classic barn find and this video follows his journey, along with Zach Diehl, to get it up and running after decades in the shed. I love a barn find video and hope you do too.
And finally, The Intercooler names the best MX-5 ever made. It's likely to be as contentious as their choice of M5, but these guys do know their cars.
A lot of YouTubers are down on the MX-5/Miata, but I reckon it's a great car (I've owned a 1989 Clubman) and every time I drive one, I love it.
And that's Weekend Watches for another week. Have a great weekend.