Weekend Watches September 13 2024

This week it's another Porsche but not really because it's a Singer, some Soviet Ladas in Finland, two Germans in French cars in Scotland and a V10 Nissan 240Z.
Chris Harris and Singer
Chris Harris, likely fresh from Joe Rogan's podcast studio (give me strength) visits the Singer factory in Los Angeles. I'm not a Porsche guy but companies like Singer and Tuthill have been making restomod Porsches that make me really want an old Porsche 911. For a gazillion dollars.
And yes, that's two videos about Porsches in two weeks. Sue me.
Ladas in Finland
There are two things I like in this following video. 1. Soviet-era machinery (although I'm more partial to the gorgeous aeroplanes of the 1960s) and 2. Finland. As you may (or may not) know, Finland and Russia share a long border and a fraught history.
Obviously at some point you could easily buy a Lada which the Soviet government would have quite liked for the lovely, lovely foreign currency.
Someone in the comments amusingly points out that in Finland you could have a Lada whenever you wanted but in Russia you had to wait years for one.
Sadly YouTube's subtitles feature doesn't give us the English but the vision is great.
205 GTIs in Scotland
Only A Roadtrip Away is one of the most chilled automotive YouTube channels. A German guy has built himself a workshop where he fixes up old cars. Then takes them out on a what he calls impractical road trips.
This video is the first in a series covering a road trip to Scotland in two Peugeot 205 GTIs. The real reason for including this video in the list is to introduce you to this wonderful channel because it is criminally underwatched. I don't think he cares too much, but you'll see what I mean.
The 205 GTI is a car incredibly close to my heart and thank you to regular Redline co-pilot Mark Dewar for putting me on to this channel.
BMW S85 + Nissan 240Z - B For Build
This is another oldie but a goodie. I am mildly obsessed with people building silly cars and this one is marvellously silly.
B is For Build is hardly a small channel at 1.6 million subscribers but the YouTube algorithm didn't think to offer it to me until recently. This video starts an incredible series where a loud chap buys a Nissan 240Z in order to swap in the S85 V10 from the E60 BMW M5. Hold on tight, because this one is a proper rollercoaster.
Enjoy your weekend and marvel at the idea I got this out before the weekend actually started.